With this understanding of God's eternal nature and omnipotence and the beginning and the end of all things, the Church invites us to prepare ourselves again for the coming of God.
This is he who is totally other above all of creation. He is the infinite divine Spirit. Yet he embraces simultaneously all those things that are created and all those things that breathe. "In him we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28).
Thus, he is not only outside the created world enthroned in the unsearchable Godhead. He is in our world. Creation itself is pervaded by his presence. And that presence always tells of his coming. It announces to us that he comes. God, as the Creator and the Lord of all, comes eternally to this world which he has called into being out of nothing.
He also sustains everything he has created. He is divine providence itself. The world has in him - in God - its true destiny. All those things that have being because of God's power and omnipotence continue to exist through him.
Every created thing "declares the glory of God" and bears witness to his presence and to his coming. God's advent is manifest in the very existence of the world, in its origins and in its development.
Jesus: God saves, Emmanuel: God with us...